

I have had a lovely few days writing postcards and exploring the Postcrossing website! I’m all for technology but sometimes a handwritten letter or postcard is just the most wonderful thing and should be something that is continued for generations to come!

Are any of you members of Postcrossing? Do you send handwritten letters? How does it feel when one drops on your mat?
Keep letter writing alive and send something today!

6 thoughts on “Postcrossing

  1. jimmy Manley

    Hello Kelly
    yup I’m a postcrosser -and I’m guessing that we will swap cards via the British Isles RR. Have you thought about Postcrossing at your school? Sign up the class as a member and have cards sent to the schools address?
    nice blog
    best wishes
    jimmy (Bodhisurfer)

  2. PostMuse

    I have been a Postcrosser since it began. My original profile is Zmrzlina, but after holding the top sender position from the US for a year, I retired that profile. It became a bit of an obsession trying to hold the position, and I started to feel anxious. Now I use PostMuse, but I don’t send many postcards these days. I keep it to about 10 a month via Postcrossing. Other mail enthusiast activities absorb the rest of my letter/note/postcard writing time 🙂

    1. MissDotty Post author

      Thanks so much for the comment! Holding the top sender position must have been fantastic but I can quite see how it would become an obsession. I am loving sitting down in the evening writing a lovely letter or jotting a quick note on a postcard. Great way of getting to know new people and places too.

  3. petrova

    hey 😀 i saw you leave a comment on a pen post at penpal of the week and i had a nosey at your journal 😉 hehe, and i was wondering are you looking for any more pen pals? 🙂


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